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Green Directory / Events

Energy Trust Better Living Show
Contact: Michael O'Loughlin
Portland Expo Center
Portland, OR
Phone: 503.880.3642
The Energy Trust Better Living Show is a free event held March 27 to 29, 2009 at the Portland Expo Center. The Event is organized by: BLUE OCEAN EVENTS, INC 12878 SW Village Park Lane Tigard, Oregon 97223
Seattle Tilth Association/Comprehensive Organic Gardener Program
Contact: Laura Niemi
Bradner Gardens Park
Seattle, WA
Phone: 206-633-0451 x1
Comprehensive Organic Gardener Program An intensive multi-session program teaching organic vegetable gardening methods and practice. The COG Program is an intensive program teaching organic vegetable gardening methods and practice. The curriculum merges scientific and practical information with an emphasis on experiential learning and hands on practice. This unique and popular course is designed to give the beginning gardener an introduction into the dynamic world of organic gardening and an opportunity to get their hands dirty in the process! The class meets Thursdays, 3/8 - 3/29 , from 7 pm to 9 pm and Saturdays, 3/10 - 3/24 from 10 am to 3 pm. When: Mar 08, 2007 07:00 PM to Mar 29, 2007 03:00 PM Where: Bradner Gardens Park Cost: $205 for members, $235 for nonmembers. Some scholarship assistance is also available. Contact: Laura Niemi lauraniemi@seattletilth.org 206-633-0451 x1
Smart Home: Green + Wired Museum of Science+Industry
57th Street and Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, IL 60637
Don’t miss the chance to tour the “Greenest Home in Chicago!” You’re invited to explore a real, three-story modular and sustainable “green” home in the Museum’s own backyard to learn about the ways, big and small, that you can make eco-friendly living a part of your life. The home, conceived by Michelle Kaufmann Designs and built by All American Homes, forms the exhibit Smart Home: Green + Wired, Powered by ComEd and Warmed by Peoples Gas, which is open through January 4, 2009. Museum Location Museum of Science+Industry 57th Street and Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60637
Solar 2007 Renaissance Cleveland Hotel
24 Public Square
Cleveland, OH 44113
Phone: 216-696-5600
July 7-12, 2007, Cleveland, Ohio The National Solar Energy Conference combines a premiere technical conference, plenary and forum sessions exploring both the conference theme and the most timely topics of the day; a Renewable Energy Products and Services exhibit that showcases manufacturers, dealers, distributors, installers and other related businesses and services; and workshops, tours and special events of interest to professionals and consumers. All SOLAR 2007 events will be held at: Renaissance Cleveland Hotel 24 Public Square Cleveland, OH 44113 216-696-5600 We have negotiated a special conference price. Details and reservation information will be available after January 1, 2007.
Windpower 2007 1201 South Figueroa Street
Palm Desert, CA 90015
Phone: (213) 741-1151
AWEA Wind Energy Fall Symposium 2008 Palm Desert, CA November 19 - 21, 2008 Windpower 2007 -- June 3-6, 2007 See http://www.awea.org/ for details. Organized by leaders in the wind energy industry, this event benefits all wind professionals. Whether you are an established industry veteran or a newcomer to this exciting and explosive industry, WINDPOWER 2007 has much to offer including 3 days of conference sessions, an interactive tradeshow of wind energy products and services, and numerous networking opportunities. Join us during this exciting time of industry growth! This year's conference theme: Getting to 20%: Growing the Wind Energy Business This year, the conference will focus on what actions are required to make wind energy a significant part of the U.S. electricity portfolio from less than 1% of U.S. electricity demand currently to over 20%. The education program will address how to achieve this 20% goal by identifying major issues and challenges, and discussing solutions for the advancement of the wind energy industry.